i've promised a video tour...which shall be coming as soon as possible. but for now...i present an "instagram" tour to suffice you. i've been making slight alterations, bringing up books and things from my bedroom (it's taken long enough) and it's starting to look ever so homey!
here is the entrance to the sewing room. i've an inspiration/bulletin board hanging on the door. i have lists of all my future projects, etc (i'm an obsessive list maker). next to it is my fold up ironing board (very handy and not constantly in the way).

i have all my sewing books stored in this fold up desk/cabinet, along with a vintage fan i found in the attic, and a few trinkets that have been gifted to me by some dear friends. next is mandy the mannequin/dressform. and then my fold out cutting table.
isn't "whimsical fancy" the most lovely name ever. it's inspired by a quote from "rose in bloom" by louisa may alcott...SUCH a lovely book. isn't the way my older sister arranged those letter frames absolutely delightful?! and i love the cute little cabinets i have to store fabric in.
i always longed for a window seat...and this one is so perfect. hand sewing and watching movies on a rainy day while seated there is one of my absolute favorite things to do.
there you have it! be expecting a video tour very VERY soon! :)
rebecca jane